Friday, August 17, 2012

Protect Your Winnetka Custom Home Theater

Throughout the spring and summer there is always potential for severe weather.  Severe weather (those of us living in the Midwest know) can strike at almost anytime, so being prepared is key.  As a Winnetka Custom Home Theater Company we always advise homeowner’s to protect their custom home theaters from the damage that could be caused by storms, especially power surges caused by lightening strikes or power outages.  A power surge occurs when the flow of electricity stops and starts back up again or when excess electricity flows into the system.  While severe surges aren’t as common as low-level power surges, both can cause significant damages to your custom home theater system components.  Here are some of our tips on how to protect your custom home theater from power surges caused by lightening strikes:

(1) Upgrade old wiring: Old wiring (we're talking about wiring from the 80s or earlier) isn’t equipped to handle today’s custom home theater components like new wiring can, so upgrading your old wiring can help prevent your custom home theater equipment from shorting out due to a power surge.  

(2) Protect your custom home theater equipment with a surge suppressor: Expand the longevity of your custom home theater equipment by using a surge suppressor.  Surge suppressors will protect your custom home theater equipment from external forces before it has a chance to damage any equipment that is connected. Custom home theater equipment is an investment, so don’t let a power surge wipe out all of your equipment.  Using a surge suppressor ensures that your equipment will be safe when lightening strikes.

(3) Don’t overload circuits: Protect your custom home theater system from internal power surges that can be created from overloaded circuits.  Overloaded circuits are created when two or more large appliances are plugged into and drawing power from the same circuit.  This needs to be avoided.  An electrician can install specific circuits for your devices to protect your home from experiencing power surges. 

Your custom home theater is an investment, so protect it.  For more tips on how to protect your custom home theater from power surges, feel free to comment below or contact us. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Achieve a Great Custom Home Theater Sound

One of the most important parts of any new custom home theater is the sound system.  Homeowners looking for a custom home theater want to duplicate the movie theater or concert sound experience, and who wouldn’t?  When it comes to great sound, quality sound equipment goes a long way and so does set up and tuning.  Here are a few of our tips on making the most out of your custom home theater sound experience:

(1)           Embrace technology: There are always new technology upgrades made to custom home theater sound systems and if you’re looking for that perfect sound, you should consider embracing it.  Do your research on what new technology might have to offer you and your custom home theater system.  New technology may be able to offer you exactly what you’re looking for from your custom home theater’s sound system.

(2)           Surround Speakers: Try moving surround speakers to achieve a different sound from your custom home theater.  Instead of placing them way up high in the corners of the room, try placing them on the side walls of the room at ear level.  This simple move can drastically change the sound from your custom home theater.  

(3)           Subwoofers location: Your subwoofer's location can also have a big impact on the sound you receive from your custom home theater system.  While many homeowners stick the subwoofer in the corner of the room, try to move the subwoofer's location to see what kind of sound you can get from a simple relocation.  While aesthetically you may want to stick the subwoofer out of view, it may not be the best for your custom home theater’s sound system quality.  Put the subwoofer where it gives off the best sound. 

(4)           Utilize speaker stands or brackets: Pull those speakers out from the book shelf or cabinets and place them on a stand or mounted bracket instead.  You might be surprised by how much that can change the quality of sound.

(5)           Upgrades: Mixing new and old sound system pieces may not be the greatest way to achieve that booming movie theater quality sound.  Mixing the old and new can give off a disjointed sound, so consider purchasing matching sound equipment to achieve optimal sound. 

A few simple tweaks and changes can greatly affect the quality of your custom home theater’s sound.  If you have questions or comments on custom home theaters, contact us.  

Winnetka Custom Home Theaters
Winnetka Home Theater Company
Winnetka Audio Visual
Winnetka A/V Company
Winnetka Home Automation Company