Friday, August 17, 2012

Protect Your Winnetka Custom Home Theater

Throughout the spring and summer there is always potential for severe weather.  Severe weather (those of us living in the Midwest know) can strike at almost anytime, so being prepared is key.  As a Winnetka Custom Home Theater Company we always advise homeowner’s to protect their custom home theaters from the damage that could be caused by storms, especially power surges caused by lightening strikes or power outages.  A power surge occurs when the flow of electricity stops and starts back up again or when excess electricity flows into the system.  While severe surges aren’t as common as low-level power surges, both can cause significant damages to your custom home theater system components.  Here are some of our tips on how to protect your custom home theater from power surges caused by lightening strikes:

(1) Upgrade old wiring: Old wiring (we're talking about wiring from the 80s or earlier) isn’t equipped to handle today’s custom home theater components like new wiring can, so upgrading your old wiring can help prevent your custom home theater equipment from shorting out due to a power surge.  

(2) Protect your custom home theater equipment with a surge suppressor: Expand the longevity of your custom home theater equipment by using a surge suppressor.  Surge suppressors will protect your custom home theater equipment from external forces before it has a chance to damage any equipment that is connected. Custom home theater equipment is an investment, so don’t let a power surge wipe out all of your equipment.  Using a surge suppressor ensures that your equipment will be safe when lightening strikes.

(3) Don’t overload circuits: Protect your custom home theater system from internal power surges that can be created from overloaded circuits.  Overloaded circuits are created when two or more large appliances are plugged into and drawing power from the same circuit.  This needs to be avoided.  An electrician can install specific circuits for your devices to protect your home from experiencing power surges. 

Your custom home theater is an investment, so protect it.  For more tips on how to protect your custom home theater from power surges, feel free to comment below or contact us. 

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